YouTuber Dr. Nick Norwitz embarked on an unconventional health experiment, eating 720 eggs in 30 days, or 24 eggs per day. His goal was to explore the impact of this extreme, cholesterol-rich diet on his LDL (bad) cholesterol. Despite the high intake of cholesterol, Dr. Norwitz found that his LDL levels not only remained stable but dropped by 18% over the month.
His results challenge common beliefs about dietary cholesterol, revealing that the body’s cholesterol regulation is more complex. Factors like carbohydrates play a more significant role in cholesterol levels than the cholesterol in food. Research suggests that for most people, high-cholesterol foods like eggs may not raise blood cholesterol levels significantly and could even improve cholesterol profiles, potentially reducing heart disease risk. The American Heart Association has not issued strong guidelines against consuming cholesterol-rich foods, indicating they can be part of a healthy diet.