Amber Heard is one of the most beautiful women in the world, ‘according to science’

Amber Heard is one of the most beautiful women in the world, according to a scientific facial mapping software that holds the key to perfection.

Dr. Julian De Silva, who runs the Centre for Advanced Facial Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery in London, examined the 36-year-old Aquaman star’s face using the Greek Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi.

This Greek-based number of Phi, or 1.618, represents aesthetically pleasing proportions and is long believed to be the secret of beauty, according to the Daily Mail.

Utilizing the theory, De Silvia’s analysis found Heard’s face to be at 91.85 percent – making her one of the most beautiful women in the world.

The cosmetic surgeon’s team created computerized mapping software that measures faces digitally, making it easier to figure out the features that make someone physically captivating.

When the doctor scanned some of the world’s most famous faces, Heard came out on top: “[Heard’s] eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips, chin, jaw, and facial shape were measured and 12 key marker points were analyzed and found to be 91.85 percent of the Greek ratio of Phi, which is 1.618.”

De Silvia added that the Greeks “discovered that the [1.618] ratio occurs everywhere in nature,” and for centuries, it has been assumed to maintain “the secret formula of the world’s most beautiful faces”.

Credit: DPA picture alliance / Alamy.In second place was beauty mogul Kim Kardashian with 91.39 percent. Kate Moss was third with 91.06 percent, Emily Ratajkowski was fourth with 90.8 percent, and Kendall Jenner was fifth with 90.18 percent.

Per Evening Standard, De Silva clarified how the technology is used to determine beauty: “If you look at the height of the nose in proportion to the width of the nose that will give you a ratio you can correlate with the Golden Ratio.”

“If it is perfectly in line with the Golden Ratio then it would be 100 percent. You can apply that similar principle to other parts of the face,” he added.

Another test put Bella Hadid at the top spot, with a score of 94.35 percent.

However, De Silva says that beauty is in the eye of the beholder: “When we talk about beauty and attractive faces it’s generally a very subjective description of what makes someone beautiful,” he said, adding, “It’s difficult to put it in objective measurements.”

Do you guys agree that Heard is the most beautiful woman in the world? Let us know in the comments section.

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