The Key To Staying Young And Healthy Is Eating Exactly What You Want

t’s no secret that America has a problem with obesity. We’re also a society that’s obsessed with physical appearances.

Consequently, we’ve created an entire industry, largely based on myths and fads, dedicated to weight loss.

There’s certainly nothing wrong with wanting to be healthy. Yet, experts continue to agree that dieting doesn’t work.

you much.

Diaz is absolutely right, life doesn’t have to be complicated, it’s all about finding a practical equilibrium.

Research has shown embracing a more simplistic lifestyle, in terms of decisions surrounding everything from our wardrobes to diets, can make us far more efficient and successful.

Simplify your daily life, and concentrate on the present moment instead.

Many successful people have adopted this mentality in terms of what they eat. Warren Buffet, for example, says eating like a 6-year-old is what helps him stay young and energetic.

He claims to drink five 12-ounce servings of Coca-Cola every day and he eats whatever he wants regardless of what time of day it is.

We’re not necessarily condoning consuming that much soda on a daily basis, but given Buffet is 84 and still an exceptionally active and successful investor… he might be onto something.

Correspondingly, Michelle Obama, well-known for her efforts in advocating good nutrition and exercise for children, has stated that diets can be very harmful.

Indeed, the globally respected First Lady has contended that how we feel both in general and about ourselves is far more important.

Likewise, as Mark Twain once stated:

The secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.

Don’t waste your time stressing over what to eat, you have better things to do. Success is about seeing the big picture, everything else is background noise.

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